Rosa Maria Frías


Rosa María Frías


  • Currently: DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES in International NGO and associate lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid in the Department of Business Economics in the subjects of “Strategic Management”, “Final Degree Projects (TFG)”. Supervision of final degree projects in the area of Human Resources.
  • Previously: DEVELOPMENT, TRAINING, SELECTION MANAGER in different sectors: Third Sector, Consultancy, Health, Distribution, Catering; DELIVERY MANAGER in Oracle University; Senior Training in the Corporate University; Trainer in management skills in different companies.



  • Graduate in: PSYCHOLOGY OF ORGANISATIONS, specialising in Human Resources.
  • Master in: People Management and Development. Advanced HR Programme; Training Programme in “Team Coaching”; Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming; Training and Certification Programme as an ACCREDITED COACH of the ICF of SUN (Success Unlimited Network).

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