
+ Digital Business Diploma by <ISDI – DIGITALENT Group>

A strategic training that boosts your talent

  • Want to know more?


A professional with a postgraduate degree in Spain earns 12,114 euros more on average.

This is according to the 9th Infoempleo-Spring Professional report. Specialised higher education is a gateway to new opportunities, not only professional but also economic.


By 2030, around 80% of the most in-demand jobs are expected to be new ones

This is reflected in the World Economic Forum: over the next few years, companies are going to change the skills they ask of their workers to a large extent. And to start training in them is to be one step ahead.


Degrees related to business administration and management, among the most in demand

This is reflected in the Infoempleo Adecco report. It also highlights that 82% of those surveyed value that a manager has hard skills linked to specialised knowledge, and 42% value knowledge and soft skills in management.

Why study a Master at eserp?

Reference Professors

Learn from today's leaders in innovation, management and new business environments. eserp's speakers have a solid track record that positions them as leading professionals in the field of Postgraduates.

Case Study Methodology

A real approach to the business environment. Through the Case Study methodology, you will get to know the reality of professional contexts, with simulation tools and analysis of real cases of companies that are benchmarks in the current panorama.

Soft Skills

Leadership, time management, analytical thinking. Some of the soft skills that the World Economic Forum considers essential are a fundamental pillar of Postgraduates studies.

Business & Alumni Networking

Build a valuable network of contacts. Studying an Postgraduate degree gives you the opportunity to come into contact with professionals from other sectors.

Collaborating Companies


