ESERP Talent



At Eserp we are committed to you and your professional career. We are passionate about helping you achieve your goals, which is why we offer a wide range of resources and tools to boost your job search and career growth.



Achieved 5 stars over 5


Career Development Service


¿What are your goals? We help you identify them and accompany you on the path that leads to them. We do this through personalised advice, coaching and mentoring sessions, with the aim of designing your career plan, reorienting it or even starting to build your personal brand. We want you to get to where you want to be.


We connect Eserp talent with the professional world. How do we do it? We have designed a specific digital tool that adapts to the new challenges of the labour market: the Eserp Job Portal employment platform. Through it, you will have access to specially selected job opportunities, which also include international internship experiences.


In addition, we have created a space where you have the opportunity to connect and create opportunities: this is what happens at Eserp Events. Company presentations and workshops that translate into a meeting point where companies and students can get to know each other, ideal for networking.





Are you a company and do you want to collaborate?



Boost your talent search with ESERP Job Portal!

We invite companies to join ESERP Job Portal, our exclusive employment platform. Here you can find and connect with highly qualified professionals trained at our business school. Register your company and job offer on ESERP Job Portal and find the talent that will drive the success of your company.


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If you are an Alumni this is your access





Eserp Job portal


At Eserp we offer you an online employment platform for our students and alumni. Through it, you will be able to access a wide selection of internships and job offers by our partner companies. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the offers that best suit your interests and profile!


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Get highered


As an Eserp student or alumnus, you can access Get Highered, an online platform that connects students and graduates from all over the world with high-quality job offers and training opportunities. On this platform, you will find a wide selection of jobs, internships and training courses, all in one place and tailored to your needs.


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