Pilar Navarro


A specialist in neuromarketing, he has developed advanced research projects analysing the buyer’s neural process at the moment of decision. This science brings a real new dimension to the execution of predictive marketing projects based on artificial intelligence.

She is also a Senior Professional specialised in different markets (Life Sciences, Consumer Goods and IT, among others) and in getting some “blue ocean” opportunities for companies.

Currently, she works on different projects and collaborates as a Marketing speaker in several Business Schools, giving sessions on marketing strategy, research and innovation and business plan projects.

She has experience in Business Strategy, Positioning, Brand Loyalty, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Planning, Advertising, Market Analysis and Public Relations, among others.

She has been Business Unit Manager at Fira Barcelona.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Marketing from the UIC, Executive Management Education from IESE, Master in Organization Management, and is a Doctoral Candidate in Neuromarketing.

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