Elihu Arana Figueroa


Elihu Arana Figueroa


  • Since 2008-present, Director of the Spanish Commercial Engineering Centre in Madrid, Spain (Commercial representation of Mexican companies with interests in Europe).
  • 2001-2006 International Commercial Manager in the pharmaceutical industry in Mexico, opening markets and developing commercial and marketing projects in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Chile, Brazil, USA, Spain.
  • 1996-2001 Services Coordinator at the World Trade Center Mexico (development of projects for Nike, Levi’s, Hewelett Packard, Pfizer).
  • Since 2013 Professor at ESERP Business School Madrid.
  • 2001-2009, Professor and coordinator of Bachelor in International Business, as well as professor in Master in Global Marketing at ITESO (Jesuit University System in Mexico) and coordinator of the professional application program with St. Mary’s University in San Antonio Texas ICADE Madrid.



  • Master’s Degree: Master’s Degree in International Trade and Markets from the University of Guadalajara (Mexico).
  • MBA Executive, AEDE Business School Madrid.
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor’s Degree in International Affairs from the University of Guadalajara (Mexico).
  • Courses: Specialisation studies at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles California.

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