Alejandro Ávila Bello


Alejandro Ávila Bello

Communication consultant, content producer, specialist in business management and finance, security director specialising in large infrastructures.

Master’s degree in New Information Technologies from the UAB. Law studies at the UOC. Degree in Information Sciences from the UAB and first doctorate in Journalism in Spain, from the UPF.

More than 25 years of experience in audiovisual communication, university teaching and business consultancy. I have worked as a presenter and programme director at RTVE, Grupo Vocento and Grupo Cope, among others.

Specialised in management of large human teams, executive management, design of communication and security policies as well as management of relations with the media and the State Security Forces and Corps.

Qualified by the ANECA as a doctoral professor in public and private universities and with a wide range of published work. Always eager to work for NGOs.


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