


Internal Quality Assurance System

eserp’s mission is to offer higher education of quality and content, at the forefront and resolutely contributing to and at the service of society, with the student’s interest prevailing at all times. The institution is at the service of modern society, offering quality training and content. This training is based on the updating of its teaching through research and the development of theoretical and empirical analysis of the current business reality.

eserp’s plural option is in harmony with the ethical and moral values that have characterised it since its beginnings and which form part of its current and permanent raison d’être, where the spirit of self-improvement, work and dedication that it offers is an indispensable basis for its training.

As a centre affiliated to the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), eserp currently offers several official bachelor’s degrees in Barcelona. The quality policy of eserp, as a centre attached to the UVic-UCC, implements and adapts the model of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) of this University.

Para su aplicación práctica la UVic-UCC cuenta con un SGIC, sobre el que basa la mejora continua de sus procesos, con los planes de mejora y el análisis de la satisfacción de los grupos de interés a los que dirige su actividad.

For its practical application, UVic-UCC has an IQAS, on which it bases the continuous improvement of its processes, with improvement plans and the analysis of the satisfaction of stakeholders to whom it directs its activity.

Eserp is organically structured in a way that allows for the correct development and fulfilment of the quality assurance objectives.


The centre’s management team:

In general, the school’s management team assumes the responsibilities indicated in the different documents of the quality assurance system and in particular:

  • Establishes the quality policy and objectives for the centre.
  • Appoints a Quality Coordinator.
  • Proposes the revision of the composition and functions of the Quality Committee.
  • Leads at all times the actions derived from the implementation of actions for quality assurance.

As a sign of its commitment to quality management, the eserp management team develops and implements quality assurance systems in the centre, in accordance with the guidelines proposed by the University, as well as its continuous improvement. Consequently, all the people at eserp who are involved in the development of their activity in relation to the processes indicated are involved. In conclusion, the management team encourages the entire community to act diligently and carefully to avoid any deterioration in the quality of the services it provides.


For all these reasons, the management team of eserp:

  • Establishes and approves the quality policy and objectives for the activities within the scope of the quality assurance system.
  • Communicates to all its personnel the importance of meeting the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to its activities.
  • It approves revisions to the quality assurance system.
  • Ensures that the necessary resources are available to meet the quality objectives.
  • Involves the different departments linked to the degrees so that they can make proposals for improvement of the quality assurance system.


The Quality Coordinator:

The Quality Coordinator is the person delegated by the management team to the eserp Quality Committee. Its main mission is to advise the management team on the design, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the quality assurance system.


The Quality Coordinator is assigned the following functions:

  • Ensure that the processes necessary for the development of the quality assurance system are established, implemented and maintained.
  • Report to the management on the development of the quality assurance system and any need for improvement.
  • Ensure that awareness of the requirements of the quality assurance system is promoted at all levels of the institution.
  • Implement all tasks assigned to him/her by his/her own competence.


The Quality Commission of eserp:

The Committee is the body responsible for the quality processes related to the faculty’s degree programmes. It ensures quality in the planning and deployment of the processes of verification, monitoring, modification and accreditation of the official bachelor’s and master’s degree courses taught at the faculty, as well as the IQAS processes.


The Commission is composed of:

  • The Director General.
  • The Academic Director.
  • The Coordinators of the official degrees.
  • The Quality Coordinator.
  • A representative of the teaching and research staff.
  • A representative of the administration and services staff.
  • A representative of the students.


The Commission has the following functions:

  • To draw up and keep updated the quality policy and objectives of the centre in line with the university’s quality policy.
  • Designing the procedures for the development of teaching, ensuring their implementation, monitoring and drawing up proposals for improvement where appropriate.
  • Leading and coordinating those responsible for the centre in the processes of verification, monitoring, modification and accreditation.
  • To carry out the analysis of the data and monitoring necessary for the centre’s decision-making.
  • Facilitating and ensuring the collection of the necessary evidence for the various evaluation processes in which the institute is involved.
  • To carry out the monitoring of the school’s quality improvement plans.
  • To ensure the publication of and access to public information of interest to the different groups involved in the centre.


Any person with a current enrolment at the centre in official studies. Either by distance learning or in classroom mode and regardless of the access route.


Teaching and research staff of the centre.


Administration and services staff of the centre.


A person who has been qualified by the institution, regardless of how long ago he/she obtained the qualification.

Public administration

Organisation for the control of resources and the direction of human work in the public interest.

Prospective students

Anyone interested in enrolling in an official course of study at the centre.


Staff linked partially or exclusively to research at the centre.


Companies and institutions that hire graduates from the centre.

Social fabric

A group of entities, companies and organisations with a close relationship with the centre.

Internship partners

Companies and institutions that offer work experience placements (curricular or extracurricular), as well as end-of-degree projects to students at the centre.

The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the changes introduced in the legal framework establish that universities must guarantee in their actions the fulfilment of the objectives associated with the degrees they offer, while ensuring their continuous improvement. In this context, eserp, as a centre attached to UVic-UCC, has considered it necessary to implement and adapt the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) of this University in its Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, in order to enhance the quality and continuous improvement of the programmes and services offered.

In this sense, the IQAS responds to two basic questions:

  • The way eserp uses its bodies, regulations, criteria, procedures, etc. to improve the quality of curriculum design and development, faculty selection and promotion, teaching development and learning outcomes.
  • The way eserp involves the different stakeholders in the design, development, evaluation and dissemination of training activities.

The principle that inspires the objectives to be achieved by the IQAS is to offer a guarantee to students and society that the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes taught by eserp, as a centre affiliated to UVic-UCC, are of high quality. Consequently, the quality assurance system has established the following specific objectives:

  • Improve the design and development of curricula.
  • Improve the selection and promotion processes for teaching staff.
  • To improve the teaching and learning outcomes of the various degree programmes.
  • To support teaching staff and services in the management and improvement of the quality and development of their functions.
  • To promote the development of a culture of quality improvement in the centre.

The IQAS has been designed to ensure the quality of all Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees taught at eserp, as a centre affiliated to UVic-UCC, and to address all dimensions of teaching quality. In this sense, the IQAS is complemented by the eserp’s research quality model, as well as the quality model of the institution’s management and services.

In defining the mechanisms for quality assurance in teaching, the system covers the following areas:

In relation to the design of the training offer:

  • The definition of the quality policy and objectives.
  • The definition and approval of training programmes.
  • The admission criteria for students.
  • The planning of the training offer.

In relation to the development of teaching and other student-oriented actions:

  • Reception and learning support activities.
  • The development of the training offer.
  • teaching and learning methodology
  • Learning assessment.
  • External placements and student mobility.
  • Professional guidance.
  • Evaluation and improvement of the training offer.
  • Deployment of programmed improvement actions.
  • Management of complaints and claims.
  • File management and degree processing.

In relation to the PDI and PAS:

  • Access, evaluation, promotion, training and support for the teaching and research staff and the administrative and service staff.

In relation to services and material resources:

  • The design, management and improvement of classrooms, work spaces, libraries, bibliographic collections and documentation services.
  • Learning and self-learning resources and services, as well as student support.

In relation to training outcomes:

  • Measurement, analysis and use of academic results.
  • The measurement, analysis and use of the results of labour market insertion.
  • Measurement, analysis and use of the satisfaction results of the different interest groups.

In relation to public information:

  • The dissemination of up-to-date information on university education.

UVic-UCC has had an Internal Quality Assurance System in place since 2010 and is certified by AQU Catalunya as part of the AUDIT programme.

All centres of the UVic-UCC assume a common model of SGIC, which includes some cross-cutting processes that depend directly on the central services of the university and that are common and general for all centres of the UVic-UCC and other management processes specific to each foundation or affiliated centre.

In this sense, eserp has taken over the UVic-UCC transversal processes and in the academic year 2022-2023 has started to work on the migration of the centre processes to the new version of the system, which is expected to be approved in the Quality Commission of eserp in the academic year 2023-2024.

Eserp has been developing, since the implementation of the Degrees that are currently verified, a Tutorial Action Plan of the Centre itself, which has now been renamed the Guidance and Tutorial Action Plan (POAT) approved by the General Management on 9 January 2023.

This new plan is based on the POAT of the Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya, which makes it possible to better meet the needs of students in the different teaching modalities, to respond to a greater diversification of the needs themselves and their consequences and also allows the institution as a whole to work in a more coordinated way to promote improvements in training and learning conditions or in the detection, attention and/or referral of situations that may interfere negatively in the training processes and both personal and professional development of students.

Guidance and tutorial action at eserp is approached at two different levels. Firstly, priority is given to a model of tutorial action integrated into teaching and secondly, beyond what is offered as part of the teaching activity, a set of specific actions are developed that allow for comprehensive attention to students from the moments prior to access to their studies, as well as throughout their training stay and finally with regard to the link established with the institution once the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree has been completed.

This guidance and tutoring action includes attention to the student in three specific areas: academic, personal and social and, thirdly, employment or professional.

For more information you can download the full POAT at the following link.


The aim of this service is to provide psychological support to students who require specific support and monitoring throughout their studies at eserp to promote their well-being and adequate academic performance.

Personalised accompaniment is offered, in which, based on an individual assessment of those aspects that affect adaptation to university life and/or the achievement of expected learning, the support needs of the student are identified in order to define a support plan.


Scope of action

  • Adapting to university life
  • Self-management of learning
  • Vocational orientation
  • Socio-emotional well-being and motivation for learning.
  • Guidance on needs derived from conditions of disability or functional diversity.



The target group are eserp students who require guidance and support to develop their learning processes adequately.

It is also aimed at academic coordinators, tutors and teachers of eserp who require advice to guide students with particular learning needs.



  • Provide support for socio-emotional difficulties and refer, when necessary, to external professionals (psychological problems, adaptation to university life, motivation and time management, etc.).
  • Attending to and advising students in situations of stress and anxiety.
  • Conduct workshops on topics related to the needs of eserp students.
  • Develop accessible support material for eserp students on topics of interest for their academic and socio-emotional development.
  • Inform and advise the teaching staff and academic coordination to ensure equality for students with special educational needs or in those cases where differential approaches are required in the academic process.

Procedure for the evaluation and improvement of the quality of education

After defining, designing, implementing and managing the syllabus, the teaching activity proceeds according to the forecasts and agreements reached. At the end of this activity (once per semester), the teaching staff proceeds to the academic assessment of the students according to the planned and scheduled instruments. Subsequently, the management team, with the support of the eserp Quality Committee, carries out an analysis of the teaching development sub-process, taking into account the students’ academic results and their degree of satisfaction with the teaching received, as well as any suggestions, complaints, etc. received through the appropriate channels. This information constitutes the basis for monitoring, measuring and improving the sub-process in question.

Every six months, the centre’s management team promotes the monitoring, measurement and improvement phase of the teaching development sub-process. To this end, it takes into account the incidents received, the results of the student satisfaction evaluation surveys and strategic indicators such as:

  • Average duration of studies: average time taken by a set of students to graduate from the degree programme being assessed.
  • Drop-out rate: percentage ratio between the total number of students in a new intake cohort who should have obtained the degree in a given academic year, and who have not enrolled in that academic year or in the following one.
  • Efficiency rate: percentage ratio between the total number of syllabus credits that should have been enrolled during their studies by all graduates in a given academic year and the total number of credits actually enrolled.
  • Success rate: percentage ratio between the total number of credits passed by students in a study and the total number of credits submitted for examination.
  • Performance rate: percentage ratio between the total number of credits passed by students in a study and the total number of credits enrolled.
  • Graduation rate: percentage ratio of students who complete their studies within the time foreseen in the study plan or in one more academic year, in relation to their entry cohort.
  • Grade point average: ratio between the average of the graduate student’s academic record and the final average of the degree.

The student satisfaction surveys are carried out for all teachers, subjects, courses and degrees, and are conducted every six months. The results are analysed by the eserp management team.

As a result of the analysis, the management team, with the participation of the Quality Committee, draws up a monitoring report with the proposals to be applied to improve the process. This report is sent to the eserp Quality Committee for approval and validation, in order to proceed with the implementation of the proposals contained therein.

For dissemination, the centre’s management team is responsible for ensuring the correct channelling of the data generated as a result of its application to the stakeholders and decision-makers involved in the process (and through the appropriate channels).

The periodic review and improvement of the centre’s degree programmes begins when the modification of the existing study plans becomes indispensable for their constant adaptation to the needs of society and the student body.

For this reason, every year, the centre’s management team receives suggestions, concerns, complaints and relevant proposals from stakeholders involved in academic activities. After selecting this information, it is passed on to the eserp Quality Committee, which is responsible for analysing and evaluating it, as well as monitoring the syllabus in order to draw up an annual report (at the end of the academic year) for the centre’s management team and those responsible for the university, with the results and recommendations. Based on the analysis of the overall report, the centre’s management team draws up an Improvement Plan to be applied at the start of the academic year.

After approval of the Improvement Plan, the centre’s management team submits it to the University’s Quality Commission for approval and, once approved, proceeds to disseminate it to the stakeholders involved so that it can be implemented.

Each year, the eserp Quality Committee monitors this process. To this end, it reviews the implementation, acceptance and effectiveness of the improvements envisaged in the approved Improvement Plan. Finally, it includes the results obtained, its observations and proposals in the new global report so that the centre’s management team can take them into account when drawing up the new Improvement Plan.

For the dissemination of this process, the centre’s management team, together with the eserp’s Quality Committee, is responsible for ensuring the correct channelling of information on the Degree Improvement Plan, its approval, implementation and review for improvement among the stakeholders involved and by the appropriate means.


Procedure for the evaluation and improvement of the quality of the teaching staff

Eserp has a procedure for assessing and improving the quality of teaching staff. This procedure is applicable to all the Official Degrees offered by eserp.

It is carried out every six months by means of meetings held by the centre’s management team with all the teaching and research staff involved in teaching on the programmes. At these meetings, all the teaching quality improvement actions carried out by eserp teaching staff are analysed. The results serve as evidence for the improvement of the teaching activity and possible promotion of the teaching and research staff.

The monitoring, measurement and improvement of this procedure will be carried out by the eserp’s Quality Committee, which will include in its annual report a summary of the teaching assessment processes, pointing out possible improvements. Where appropriate, the centre’s management team will forward these suggestions to the Directorate General of eserp for subsequent modification.

Calidad Enseñanza

Calidad TFG

Procedure for quality assurance of external placements

This procedure is relevant for those Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees that include the preparation and monitoring of external professional placements by their students, or that require their students to prepare final degree projects based on external professional placements.

After defining, designing, offering, promoting and managing any of the external placement programmes, the student is assigned a tutor for his/her placement; likewise, the student is assigned a professional tutor belonging to the company or institution hosting the placement. The tutor and the professional tutor design the work plan for the placement according to the objectives and specific competences required by the student’s training needs; they also provide the student with the necessary documentation containing the general guidelines and the general and specific information required to complete the placement. During the internship, and according to the criteria established by the centre, the tutor carries out academic monitoring, ensures that the student makes the best possible use of the internship and guides the student to obtain the best possible results (to this end, any relevant aspect that occurs during the internship is recorded in a monitoring report). The professional tutor at the placement company or institution also monitors the student and records his/her observations and assessments in a report. At the end of the placement period, the student is assessed in accordance with the provisions set by the centre, always taking into account the monitoring reports of the tutor and the professional tutor. In the same way, the centre’s secretary’s office recognises the work placement as a credit.

Finally, the monitoring, measurement and modification of the external placement programme is carried out when the Centre’s External Placement Manager analyses the external placement process to check that it meets the objectives set and to modify, correct, improve or eliminate any anomalies that may be detected. The External Placement Manager will base his/her analysis on indicators such as:

  • Rate of students who have undertaken external placements.
  • Student satisfaction with the placement (indicator obtained through the appropriate satisfaction surveys).
  • Assessment of placements by tutors (indicator obtained through a monitoring and assessment report).
  • Number of placement agreements.
  • Number of incidents occurring during the work placement.

Once the strengths and weaknesses in the process have been identified, the External Placement Manager will consult the agents involved (tutor teaching staff, professional tutors, students involved) and the eserp Quality Committee in order to draw up the corresponding proposals for improvement. These proposals will be submitted to the centre’s management team for approval. Subsequently, those proposals approved by the centre’s management team will be implemented under the supervision of the eserp Quality Committee. The Head of External Placements will introduce the approved modifications in the documentation that regulates external placements at the centre.

The External Placement Manager is responsible for managing and channelling the information generated during the process so that it reaches the appropriate person. In this way, he/she is responsible for ensuring that the host centres are aware of the observations and incidents that have occurred in order to contribute to their improvement in future similar experiences; on the other hand, he/she also keeps the agents involved at the centre informed of the suggestions, complaints and recommendations received from the host companies or institutions for their immediate management and/or resolution.


Procedure for Quality Assurance of Mobility Programmes

This procedure starts at the beginning of the academic year, when the school’s management team establishes the objectives to be achieved in terms of mobility and appoints an International Relations Coordinator.

After designing and managing the process for the mobility programmes, the centre sets it in motion. At this point and while in the host institution, students maintain fluid contact with the International Relations Coordinator through the appropriate channels for the management, channelling and resolution of possible incidents or doubts (academic or otherwise) arising from their stay.

At the end of the stay at the host institution, students must meet with the International Relations Coordinator and provide a report on the activity carried out, as well as a document signed by those responsible for the credits enrolled at the host institution certifying their attendance, achievement and qualification. In turn, the International Relations Coordinator provides students with a survey to evaluate their satisfaction with the mobility activity carried out and thus obtain data to monitor, measure and improve the process. Finally, with the approval of the school’s management team, the qualifications obtained during the stay at the host institution are recognised.

In order to formalise the monitoring, measurement and improvement of this process, the International Relations Coordinator initiates the monitoring, measurement and improvement of the student mobility management process. To this end, a report is prepared based on the analysis of several qualitative and quantitative indicators, among which the following stand out:

  • Number of students who have applied to participate in mobility activities.
  • Number of students who have participated in mobility activities.
  • Number of agreements concluded with other institutions.
  • Number of destination countries of students.
  • Degree of student satisfaction.
  • Degree of academic achievement of the mobility activity.
  • Number of incidents occurring during the course of the mobility activities.

Based on the analysis of the available indicators, as well as the possible complaints, recommendations or suggestions received and the initial objectives set for the management of student mobility, the International Relations Coordinator makes a proposal for possible improvements for future courses. These proposals, after approval by the eserp Quality Committee and the centre’s management team, are disseminated through the appropriate channels among the agents involved for their prompt implementation.

The International Relations Coordinator is responsible for the dissemination of the data generated during the procedure among the stakeholders involved.

This procedure is aimed at university graduates belonging to promotions that have finished one, three or five years prior to the current academic year.

The procedure begins with the definition of indicators to assess the rates of employability and satisfaction with the training received by graduates. Following the guidelines of the Quality Area of the UVic-UCC, and with the approval of the centre, the final questionnaire will be developed. This questionnaire will be reviewed periodically.

The sample to which the labour market insertion study is addressed is also defined, in relation to the current year. This sample will be determined by those promotions that have concluded one, three or five years in advance.

Technically, Internet and telemarketing will be used to complete the data and to try to guarantee a reliability level of 95% as far as this is possible:

  • Dissemination of the questionnaire among graduates: a mass e-mail will be sent to the entire sample, encouraging them to participate.
  • Telemarketing: a campaign will be carried out with the aim of obtaining a sufficient number of responses to achieve a degree of reliability of 95%.

In order to monitor, measure and make proposals for improvement, the Department of Professional Opportunities will be responsible for coordinating the carrying out of the studies and compliance with the plan established annually.

The Information Systems Department will be responsible for the survey, as well as for collecting, preparing and filing the reports with the results of the questionnaire.

A copy of the results and the report will be sent to the person in charge of the centre so that he/she can process, cross-reference and obtain the information as he/she sees fit.

The following indicators will be used to measure the results of the procedure:

  • Rate of labour market insertion.
  • Satisfaction with current employment.
  • Satisfaction of the graduate with the training received.

Finally, the Department of Professional Opportunities Service will draw up a report with the labour market insertion study that will be disseminated among the interested agents through the means determined.

Procedure for stakeholder satisfaction analysis

The Vice-Rectorate for Academic Organisation of UVic-UCC, guided by the provisions of the Contract Programme, defines which common indicators should be taken into account when analysing the outcome of the applicable processes and the values to be achieved preferably. Similarly, it defines the instruments available for the collection and measurement of indicators, as well as who should be responsible for their analysis. It then informs the UVic-UCC ICT Area, which is responsible for programming the necessary measurement instruments, and the faculty’s management team, which proposes the addition of the specific indicators it considers appropriate. The centre’s management team submits the proposal of indicators to be collected and the collection and analysis mechanisms/instruments to the Directorate General of eserp for approval.

At this point, the phase of collecting indicators using the defined instruments begins; the UVic-UCC Quality Area is responsible for supplying the centre’s management team (also using the defined instruments) with the indicators necessary for the reliable evaluation of the processes related to the academic functioning of eserp, for example:

  • Degree of satisfaction with the teaching received.
  • Degree of satisfaction with the materials available.
  • Degree of satisfaction with the services available.
  • Efficiency rate of the student body.
  • Student achievement rate.

The centre’s management team channels the information received to the members of the eserp Quality Committee for monitoring, measurement and improvement.

Each year, the eserp Quality Committee is responsible for analysing the results. For this purpose (and under the supervision of the UVic-UCC Quality Area) it reviews and checks the validity of the indicators and reflects the result of its analysis in an annual report. This report also contains proposals for the review and continuous improvement of the process (for example, review, modification, deletion or inclusion of indicators). Finally, the eserp Quality Committee submits the report to the UVic-UCC Quality Department for verification and, subsequently, proceeds to disseminate it to the stakeholders involved through the appropriate channels.

The centre disseminates the result of the analysis of the results through publication on its website.


Procedure for dealing with suggestions and complaints

The centre’s management team defines and disseminates the channels and procedures for dealing with allegations, complaints and suggestions.

Using the established channels, stakeholders can submit complaints, suggestions, claims or allegations in writing using the relevant template. The template must clearly state the subject and description of the suggestion, complaint or allegation, as well as a precise description that allows it to be assessed objectively.

The centre’s management team is the recipient of complaints, suggestions, claims or allegations. On receiving any of these, the management team issues an acknowledgement of receipt to the author and subsequently determines whether it is necessary to request supporting documentation. The criteria for this determination are as follows:

  • Evidentiary documentation shall be requested when the complaint, claim or allegation includes descriptions of facts relevant to the resolution that cannot be assessed without such documentation.
  • Evidentiary documentation will be requested when the complaint, grievance or allegation involves serious allegations against individual members of the academic community.
  • Evidential documentation will be requested when there are indications that the complaint, claim or allegation cannot be resolved by means of resolutions within the scope of competence of the members of the centre’s management team or through mediation and conciliation and that, therefore, it may require the intervention of the institution’s higher bodies or, possibly, judicial intervention.

On receiving a complaint, suggestion, claim and/or allegation, if its subject matter is academic, the analysis of its motives and its attention and resolution corresponds to the centre’s management team. If the subject matter of the complaint, suggestion, claim and/or allegation is related to the centre’s various services, the management team will refer it to those responsible for the service or services involved, who will be responsible for analysing its motives and its resolution. If the subject matter of the complaint, suggestion, claim and/or allegation goes beyond the centre’s responsibilities, the management team shall refer it to the higher bodies so that they can analyse its motives and resolve it. In any case, the management team is responsible for notifying the affected person of the resolution of the complaint, allegation, claim or suggestion.

In order to monitor, measure and improve this process, the management team prepares an annual register of complaints, suggestions, claims and allegations and their resolution. This register is analysed and evaluated by the eserp Quality Committee in order to establish corrective, preventive or improvement actions for the process. Subsequently, the eserp Quality Committee includes in its annual global report a reference to the complaints, suggestions, claims and/or allegations received, analysed and resolved, and the corrective, preventive or improvement actions that have resulted from them. After studying the viability of these corrective actions, the centre’s management team decides on their approval and initiates the appropriate actions to be able to proceed with their application in subsequent years.

Finally, the management team is responsible for ensuring the dissemination among the stakeholders involved of any data or information in relation to or derived from the process in order to be able to proceed with its effective development. To this end, it channels the relevant information through the appropriate tools.


Internal evaluation reports


External Evaluation Reports

    University Degree in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

    University Degree in International Business

    University Degree in Law

    University Degree in Criminology


Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees (RUCT)

    University Degree in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

    University Degree in International Business

    University Degree in Law

    University Degree in Criminology

    Master Degree in Integrated Business Management


University Quality Seals

     University Degree in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

     University Degree in International Business

     University Degree in Law

     University Degree in Criminology

    Master Degree in Integrated Business Management